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Here is just a bunch of files that you guys can download. Download, RestoreTools.pkg is a package seeded to some Apple employees.

Introduction introduced a couple of new command-line tools to help customers backup (and restore) their CDRouter data. Background The QA Cafe Support team encourages every cutomer to do routine backups of their CDRouter data to ensure a succesful recovery from some unexpected loss of data or hardware failure.

In the past, the support team provided a Knowledge Base article with a set of instructions as the recommended way to backup your testing data, This article is still relevent today, however In an attempt to make this task easier, the CDRouter development team has created both a Backup and Restore tool, specifically for CDRouter’s saved user data. Starting with CDRouter 10.6, both a Backup ( cdrouter-backup) and Restore ( cdrouter-restore) now exist as command line tools in /usr/cdrouter/bin. CDRouter Backup Tool #./cdrouter-backup Usage:./cdrouter-backup [OPTION.] LOCATION Backup the CDRouter data on this system. LOCATION can be a path on the local filesystem or a path on a remote SSH system [[user@][hostname:]][path]. Options: -force Do not ask for confirmation before continuing. -insecure Allow SSH connections with no host key validation.

-known-hosts FILE Use SSH known hosts FILE for host key validation. -no-compress Create an uncompressed backup. -private-keys FILES Use comma-separated SSH private keys FILES for public key authentication. -restore Restore from given backup. -version print version information and exit. If the path in LOCATION is a directory, cdrouter-backup will create a backup named cdrouter-backup-YYYYMMDDHHmmss in that directory. If -known-hosts is not given, the default is ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

If -private-keys is not given, the default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 and ~/.ssh/id_rsa. The CDRouter Backup tool will gather all the saved user data within the /usr/cdrouter-data directory tree. This includes all the generated results, configuration files, packages, devices and the CDRouter database. By default, it will archive/compress/transfer to the specified destination into a tar/zipped file with the name cdrouter-backup. Calculator

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The archiving is done locally, but the compression will occur during the transfer to the destination. Depending on the amount of data saved, this process could potentially take a long time. The actual time it will take is dependant on several factors.

Some of these are (but not limited to) the amount of data that is being backed up and the speed of the network link between CDRouter and the remote destination. The CDRouter software will automatically be stopped when this process is occurring, so no tests may be run while the backup tool is running. The remote destination you choose should have enough space to store a single large data file. The theoretical max of the data that is being backed up is the size of the data disk in the NTA1000, which is 4TB. This does not mean that your destination needs this much space. The compression will reduce this to a significantly smaller size.

(For example, a 227GB database was compressed into a 53GB file) (Note: The CDRouter Backup tool uses SFTP to securely transfer files. If the destination is a remote system, it must support/enable SFTP.) Usage Example: /usr/cdrouter/bin/cdrouter-backup root@ When the above command is launched, the CDRouter Backup tool will calculate and display the total size that will be backed up and then will automatically begin the transfer/compression/archive process. The tool will display statistics as it makes progress. It will display the running total of how much data has been backed up, the percent complete, the speed of the network transfer, and the approximate time remaining to complete the backup. Checking CDRouter system, this may take a while on large systems. Backing up 226.82 GiB to /cdrouter-backup/cdrouter-backup-336 on stopping CDRouter.