Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Learning

When I generate a simple 10-page report with Fast reports 4.12.2 and save it as a PDF it is about 5 Meg’s in size. Pdf pearson guide verbal reasoning pdf. A similar report generated in Rave Reports and converted to PDF with eDocEngine is about 50k in size. This is how the Fast report TfrxPDFExport component is setup: object frxPDFExport1: TfrxPDFExport UseFileCache = True ShowProgress = True OverwritePrompt = False CreationTime = 0000 DataOnly = False OnBeginExport = frxPDFExport1BeginExport PrintOptimized = True Outline = False Background = False HTMLTags = True Author = 'FastReport' Subject = 'FastReport PDF export' ProtectionFlags = [ePrint] HideToolbar = False HideMenubar = False HideWindowUI = False FitWindow = False CenterWindow = False PrintScaling = False Left = 216 Top = 56 end What can I do to get the Fast Report generated PDF smaller?

I have just installed a Delphi XE2 developer. I have also installed Quick Report for Delphi XE2. I successfully migrated my application from Delphi XE to Delphi XE2. When I tried to compile my application in the Delphi XE2 IDE, I get an error message that 'file QRctrls.dcu cannot be found'. I tried a create a new project in Delphi XE2, place a Quick Report object on the form and tried to compile the program, but I still got the same error message.

EDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave,. Quick Report Professional for Delphi QuickReport is a banded report generator written in 100% Delphi code that integrates very closely with Delphi and C++Builder. Design reports within the Delphi/C++Builder IDE using the form designer as a report designer.

Drajvera roadmax. I will appreciate assistant to solve this problem. I would have to assume that the install for XE2 did not manage to get the directory entries right so the IDE cannot find the file. I would first start by locating the file. If you are unable to do so, then the install must have missed it.

If you do find it then add the location to the list of directories in the Delphi XE2 options. I do not have Delphi XE2, nor do I use Quick Reports (I prefer Rave). If I had access to both, the instructions would be much more precise. As it is, I can give you general advice. I have faced this same situation many times with other components. If you are unable to find where to add it in the options, a stop-gap approach would be to add it to the list of files in your project. This will work to get the code to compile, but it is a less desirable approach.

If you stick with that approach you will need to add the file to every project that uses Quick Reports. You should also be aware. Once the project knows where that file is, it is very likely to state that it cannot find other files. Each would need to be added in order to get it to compile. If you are able to simply include the directory in the Search path then it should find all of what it needs.