Batareya S Acpi Sovmestimim Upravleniem Microsoft Drajver

I recently had to reinstall windows on my laptop after the hard drive crashed 1 month out of warranty. I had a few unknown devices on the PCI Express Root and I was able to find the fix for 2 of them through these forums simply by searching either the hardware id value or the device instance path value. However, I have yet to be able to find the proper driver for the following unknown device: Hardware Id details: ACPI VEN_SMB&DEV_0001 ACPI SMB0001 *SMB0001 Device instance path details: ACPI SMB0001 3&11583659&0 Thank you for your assistance.

Microsoft ACPI Driver - Windows 7 Service ACPI Driver for NT by Microsoft Corporation. This service also exists in Windows,,. Startup Type Windows 7 edition without SP SP1 Starter Boot Boot Home Basic Boot Boot Home Premium Boot Boot Professional Boot Boot Ultimate Boot Boot Enterprise Boot Boot Default Properties Display name: Microsoft ACPI Driver Service name: ACPI Type: kernel Path:%WinDir% system32 DRIVERS ACPI.sys Error control: critical Group: Boot Bus Extender Default Behavior The Microsoft ACPI Driver service is a kernel driver. If the Microsoft ACPI Driver fails to load or initialize, the error is logged and the computer attempts to restart with the LastKnownGood configuration.

If the LastKnownGood configuration fails, Windows 7 startup also fails, and the boot process halts with a Stop error. If you disable this service, Windows 7 will fail to start. Do NOT change this service startup configuration if your computer is working. Restore Default Startup Type for Microsoft ACPI Driver Automated Restore 1. Select your Windows 7 edition and Service Pack, and then click on the Download button below.

Save the RestoreMicrosoftACPIDriverWindows7.bat file to any folder on your hard drive. Right-click the downloaded batch file and select Run as administrator. Restart the computer to save changes. Make sure that the ACPI.sys file exists in the%WinDir% system32 DRIVERS folder.

If this file is missing you can try to restore it from your Windows 7 installation media.

LGxuRlEKuamwlAStにお住まいの Malloreigh さんの記帳 2rand[0,1,1]歳 ツ男性: 2016年04月28日(木) 23時11分. 0.6 2014-07-27 always

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