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PROMOTIVNO PREVENTIVNI VODI ZA `TITA OD JONIZUJU EG ZRA ENJA. Damir Aganovi Mediha Avdi Snje ~ana Balta Marina Bera Marko Buk aa Zehra Dizdarevi Amra ustovi `ukrija ozi Mahmut apo Faris Gavrankapetanovi Vjekoslav Gerc Mehmed Gribaj evi Jasmina Guti Midhat Hara i Be ir Helji.

This is because the geoIP database shows your address is in the country of Germany. Diagnostic information: Blocked at germany.shtml Your IP address: Referrer URL (if available): Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Date: Sunday, 10-Mar-2019 08:31:08 GMT Why did this block occur? A Court in Germany ordered that access to certain items in the Project Gutenberg collection are blocked from Germany. Dnevnik raboti biblioteki 2.

It is forbidden to share any access accounts and passwords. The user is responsible for confidentiality and protection of his/her authentication resources and is responsible for all activities made with this account in UVO portal. In case of suspected password disclosure the user is required to change his/her password without delay. It is recommended to create complex and secure passwords and change them at least every six months. After three failed attempts (incorrect password) access is blocked for 10 minutes.

In the case of a forgotten password use the function „Forgot Password“.