Taurus Firearms Serial Numbers

Taurus 1911 super 38-----Serial number LCM58231.I bought this gun new and selling it as new(I did test fire it with 6 rounds).I will only ship to an FFL and I do not offer returns(due to some previous bad experiences),so please contact me with questions before you buy. Jan 02, 2008  In addition to covering the various Springfield Armory pistols we also have large sections dedicated to other various firearms such as the: M1911, M1A, M14, AK-47 (and other AK rifles.

Azgunnut01, I'm sure jwernecke is correct. Sage act premium 2011 v13 cracked magazine. But if you want to be sure, call Taurus in Miami and ask for Customer Service.

The serial number of Taurus revolvers is usually stamped on the right side of the frame ahead of the trigger guard. With the serial number, Taurus Customer Service can go into the computer and tell you the model number for certain. This can be important if you are registering a firearm. The authorities can be awfully fussy about that, even through it's the serial number they go. I just did that for an old Taurus revolver generally similar to the Model 66, but was told mine is so old, the computer doesn't have the model in the system!

Azgunnut01, I'm sure jwernecke is correct. But if you want to be sure, call Taurus in Miami and ask for Customer Service. The serial number of Taurus revolvers is usually stamped on the right side of the frame ahead of the trigger guard. With the serial number, Taurus Customer Service can go into the computer and tell you the model number for certain.

Descargar hitch especialista en seduccion latino mp4 to avi. This can be important if you are registering a firearm. The authorities can be awfully fussy about that, even through it's the serial number they go. I just did that for an old Taurus revolver generally similar to the Model 66, but was told mine is so old, the computer doesn't have the model in the system!

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