Ragtime Summary Arakin

Apr 1, 2015 - Alex Chudinovskih ED-09-412. Analysis of “Ragtime” by E.L.Doctorow. The author, E.L. Doctorow, an American writer, is famous for his novels. Ragtime: A Novel (Modern Library 100 Best Novels) [E.L. Doctorow] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Published in 1975, Ragtime changed our very concept of what a novel could be. An extraordinary tapestry.

•.:: - -; -; -; -; -, /; -,;.::;,;,;:;;;,,;;:;;;:;.,.: I II,. Ontent Week/ Hours 6 scores Module4 1 6 Unit 4. Module 4.Brining up children Speech patterns p.107, (Arakin V.D.) Text The Fun They Had Verb and adverb combinations for movement(p.30) 2 3 Cutting Edge- Are you a risk-taker?( Module 3) The gentle Touch- expressing two different points of view 3 3 Role-playing, p.

133 Youth clubs-views on the problems p. 135 Solutions: Ways of teaching children 4 3 Unit 5.Speech patterns p.137-140, ex.1-6 (Arakin V.D.) Essential Voc-ry, word combinations and phrases p.145-148 (Arakin V.D) Unit 5. Gerund and its structure Modal verbs Participle I, Participle II 5 3 Text Art for hearts sake (by R.Goldberg) p.140, ex.11 p. 151 (Arakin V.D) Complex sentence 6 3 Role-playing The thing they need ex. 175 (Arakin) 7 3 Unit 6. Speech patterns p.177-179, ex.1-6 (Arakin V.D.) Introduction of the voc-ry notes and phrasal verbs Text The man of destiny (by G.B.Shaw) p.179 (Arakin ) Unit 6 Infinitive and its functions Infinitive as attributes Dependent clauses Noun clause • 7 3 Test Module 5 8 3 Topical voc-ry on the theme Feeling and emotions p. 200- 201 (Arakin V.D) 9 3 Role-playing The thing they need ex.

175 (Arakin) 10 3 Arakin. Speech patterns. Ex 1; 2;3; p. 212-213 Word combinations and phrases Text 'The happy man' by Somerset Maugham Talking about people. Topical vocabulary; Ex.

237-238 Unit 7.Infinitive as object; Clause maker; Modifying adverbs 'should' Compound sentence 11 3 TV-Interview p. 241 'Happiness is this shape 'p. 15;16 Comparing and contrasting. Relative clause 12 3 Role-play Formal versus informal teaching Mixed ability grouping in class.

Pupils norms of behavior. Torrent ansys 14 full crack software. Unit 7.Infinitive as object; Clause maker; Modifying adverbs 'should' Compound sentence Comparing and contrasting. Relative clause • 13 3 Unit 8. Speech patterns. Ex 1; 2; p248-249 Text The apple-tree by J. Galsworthy Ex-s p.259-260;p.264-266 Make up dialogues,ex.13 p.261; ex.9-10 p.266-267 Topical vocabulary on the theme Man and naturep.268 Discussion Environmental Protection-Nationwide Concern Role-play Environmental Protection p.272,p.276 Work in pairs, ex.12 p.274 14 3 Role-play Formal versus informal teaching Mixed ability grouping in class. Pupils norms of behavior.

Verb forms in narrative (p.149-150) 15 15 2 1 Revision Test Writing a story about a frightening experience (p.37) EXAMINATION: more like than; for an hour or so; it would be a splendid opportunity to try, I should never have thought,The morethe more, There was no left, That wont do, If I were I would, lack of words, the way of theatre than of books, In a way, What I need is, has nothing to do with, It was up to me, I felt angry and frustrated, disrespect for me, daring to open • Topic: 1. Education in Kazakhstan 2.Education in America 3. Work in pairs: make up dialogues, tasks from p. Essay: Is it good to be a student? ( 250 words with a thesis statement) 5.Essential Vocabulary,p.179 6.Work in pairs: Making up dialogues,p.220-225 7. Assignments, p.228 8.Listening, p.264-265 1. Commenting,ex.p.222 2.

Topic: Sport as part of School and College Life 3. Speaking: Give a description of pictures, p.224-225 (120-130 words to each description) Give a short summary of the passage 4. 258 description 5.Ex.14 p.258- making up dialogues 6.

Lsi cachecade keygen crack software. Comment on the proverbs and sayings, p.260 7.Discussion, ex.12 p.298 8.Assignments, p. 305 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 • Tasks for the examination: 1. The system of education in Kazakhstan 2. The system of education in America 3. Essential vocabulary, p.179 4. The best universities in Great Britain 5. World best universities 7.

Assignments,p.190 10. Summary: How healthy you are 11.

The role of sport in modern life 12. Write notes about national character 13.