Quick Report Delphi 2010 Gratis

Quick Heal AntiVirus 2010, with its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, provides hassle-free protection for your system.Once installed it acts as a shield against viruses, worms, trojans, spywares and other malicious threats.

Release v9.0.5.2 (March 4, 2019) Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Feature-rich & powerful grid components Through properties you can have: • Page number, date, time, title in footer or header. • Different header & footer font. • Use cell font and color from display or different print font control. • Automatically splits columns over multiple pages if needed. • Print selected regions from the grid. • Set margins, print centered.

• Use repeated fixedrows and fixedcolumns for multiple page output. • Automatic fit to page. • See before you print with preview. • Specify borders of each cell for printing. • Additional custom printing. • Wordwrapped, rich text, HTML formatted text printing. • HTML formatted print titles.

• Set text alignment to Left, Justify, Right for each cell. • Each cell can have different font & background color. • Select from singleline, multiple line to automatic wordwrap. • Show URLs as real clickable URLs.

• Draw ellipsis when text doesn't fit column. • Hidden columns. • Rich text cells • • Automatically advance to next cell. • Single key insert and delete rows. • Automatic cells cut and paste.

• Masked edits with autoadvance. • Immediate caret positioning on mouseclick. • Automatic sorting when column headers are clicked with several sort methods and customizations.

• Cell search functions. • Cell editing disable capability. • Different hints for each cell. • Incremental key lookup. • Dynamic scroll hinting. • Easy & intelligent clipboard functions with auto fill and auto expand ranges & rich text aware.

• Enhanced row and column moving with position indicators. • Automatic skip over fixed and read-only cells. Have your choice of edit controls: • Normal left or right aligned edit controls. • Masked edit controls with automatic cell advancement. • Checkboxes, comboboxes, cell data bound checkboxes. • Datetimepicker, timepicker, datetimepicker with up/down. • Edit control with ellipsis button.

• Comboboxes and edit controls with auto-lookup and auto history. • Integer, float, time, date, spinedit control. • Button control. • Radio button control. • Use another custom editor. • Expand/contract node controls. • Rich text inplace editing.

• Save to file, load from file. • Save to CSV, append to CSV, load from CSV, insert from CSV. • Save to XLS, XLS sheets, load from XLS, XLS sheets. (native support, without the need to have Excel installed) • Save to rich text RTF files (native support, without the need to have Word installed) • Save to streams, load from streams. • Save to HTML with color, alignment and font markup. • Save to ASCII files, append to ASCII files, load from formatted ASCII files.

• Save to XML files, load from XML files • Save to Word DOC files. • Save to PDF files.

• Load from MDB tables. Add images to your cells: • Control positioning of image on top, bottom, right, left. • Add icons, bitmaps, imagelist items and data dependent images.

• Rotated text. • Multi image cells. Prikaz 452 mz rk ot 03072012 1. • TPicture, TFilePicture objects opening support for all kinds of graphic formats.

• Progress bar. • Comment indicator.

• Interfaced graphics to show any kind of custom graphics. Find dialog for TAdvStringGrid. Easy to use full featured find dialog for TAdvStringGrid.

Easy to use: drop the component on the form, connect the grid and call the Execute method. Find & replace dialog for TAdvStringGrid. Dialog to perform a quick preview of grid printout Dialog to configure the print settings of grids Excel-like wizard dialog for importing CSV files • DB-aware version of TAdvStringGrid. • Can be connected to any dataset via a Datasource & Columns property where the DataField can be used to set the field for each column.