Primer Cv Na Anglijskom Dlya Moryakov

Name: first name, second name. Address: Home Solnechnaya Str. Address: Ivolginsk, Russia Date of Birth: 12 December, 1985. EDUCATION: 1993 - 2003.

AMY SMITH 123 Main Street • Atlanta, Georgia • 30339 Home: (555) 555-1234, Cell: (555) 555-1235, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Objective: Seek the Position of Interpreter/Translator SUMMARY: Remarkably gifted and self motivated Interpreter/Translator with huge experience providing optimal interpretation and translation support to the Resident Royal Advisors (RRA) in his implementation of the Royal Covenant and supporting effective delivery of the Royal Covenant and ensuring good communications and co-ordination between the Royal Partners. Summary of Qualifications • More than six years experience. • Excellent Romanian and certified proficiency in English. • Proven excellent written English. • Exceptional simultaneous interpretation skills.


• Proven ability to translate complicated texts such as law, IT and official documents. • Excellent communication and presentation skills in both Romanian and English. • Excellent team working abilities together with an innate diplomacy.

• Excellent computer skills (MS Office, Word, Access, Excel, Power Point). • Highly motivated and results oriented with the ability to plan ahead. • Excellent knowledge to EU. • Strong knowledge of Intellectual Property (IP). • Profound knowledge of EU policies and institutions particularly those pertaining to the European Structural Funds.

Hello Generals, After quite a lot of months, our development team is going to update the game with various improvements, based on the feedback you have provided so far. Please read below the brief changelog of the planned improvements: Brief changelog of patch 1.7: - Improved targeting. Units will pick best target without micromanagement, especially artillery. - Various melee fixes/improvements. Infantry will no longer auto-fall back and annoyingly lose its position. - Improved auto AI lines. Ford transit 2006 podklyuchenie avtosignalizacii price.

No longer too much shifting around. Units will be sufficiently intelligent to handle their lines. - Much improved AI attack. AI will press and concentrate on weak spots of player army with efficiency and persistence. - Enhanced AI defense. AI will be more active in covering weaknesses in formation and defend the high ground. - AI now understands much better the territory it fights.

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AI opponents are active and respond to whatever threat you pose them, in a realistic and challenging manner. The way that each opponent fights is really interesting to explore, in order to unlock multiple different speculative scenarios that probably you had never met. - AI now will very often attempt to flank. It will make tactical maneuvers to place artillery on high ground and shoot at your flanks.

- AI will fall back if overwhelmed in a much more efficient manner (according to personality). It will prefer to leave ground in order to reform and counter-attack, in order to cause you more casualties. - AI now plays out the MP scenarios better. You can play vs an AI to really test and improve yourself in multiplayer. - Fixed AI boost mode that could work the opposite in many aspects. Now it is far more challenging. - Artillery less resilient in melee.