Nikon D5000 Firmware Update Hack

Nov 19, 2011 - Nikon firmware has been decrypted by Simeon Pilgrim (with the help of Vitaliy Kiselev - the person who hacked the Panasonic GH2 firmware). In Nikon D5100, Nikon D7000, Nikon Software and tagged Firmware updates. Nikon D4s Nikon D5 Nikon D500 Nikon D5000 Nikon D5100 Nikon D5200. Nikon Firmware Hack Started Jul 3, 2004. Remembering of course that now we have a flashable firmware from Nikon we coulld easily go back to stock.

It's no secret that you can hack Canon cameras firmware with 3rd party hackers like to push higher dynamic range and bitrate. Is looking to bring the same performance to their ecosystem. Their new set of hacks (for 11 cameras) allows you to push 1,080 video at up to 64mbps. While these hacks are still in beta, the results look promising. Their D7000 hack allows you to boost the stock bitrate of 24mbps to a whopping 64mbps.

They also have hacks for the entry level D3100, D3200, D5100, and D5200 that allow all of them to output 54+mbps. Below is their list of available firmware patches along with the changes they'll bring. I've tried out the D7000 patch. It works fine, it gives clean LCD display/HDMI out, but it's not switchable at the moment. When the patch is installed you get zero information overlay on the LCD/HDMI out, with no way to show anything on the rear screen other than the image, or menu screen.

The only way to get the information overlay back is to reflash the firmware back to the original again. This isn't ideal, but it's a start. As for the increased bit rates. I tried all of these with a pretty unscientific test clip and I personally couldn't see much improvement in quality over the original. I've been shooting with D7000s for a while and whilst there are some annoying limitations, no LV histogram, audio monitoring and having to switch out of LV to change aperture. I'm still happy with the overall quality of the video I can get from it.

Dunno if you guys know about it, but some time ago some guys managed to decrypt Nikon firmwares (D3100, D5100 and D7000, IIRC) and started working towards understanding the code, what does what, where things go, etc. So they can implement all those neat features we all want (like manual video controls, live exposure view, etc). They didn't go too far yet, there's a lot of work to be done, big stuff like adding features takes time and a deep understanding of the workings of the cameras. It will take time, like, a lot of time: two years maybe.

They're very understaffed too, what makes things even harder. They managed, though, to implement a small change that actually works and makes some difference: they removed time caps on video making for the D3100 and the D5100 (as of now, they already know how to do it in the D7000).

Theoretically, you could make videos as long as you want now (not in practice, though, as file sizes are another cap). You can read more about it here: and here. Barry Fitzgerald wrote: A lot of potential with this esp removing the firmware crippling/limitations that Nikon have on some models. Yeah, there's a lot of potential, indeed. Download best viscosity vpn keygen free download and torrent.

The D7000 and the D5100 share most of the hardware (like 98%) and their firmwares are very similar, so it's speculated that lots of features present on the D7000 will be easy to port over to the D5100 once everything is understood. Stuff like AF Fine Tuning, wider bracketing range, etc. And that's not even talking about some things that aren't present (or are present but poorly implemented). BUT it's kinda sad to have to hack the camera when Nikon should be putting more effort in. It might teach them a lesson, I remember the Canon 300d had some silly firmware crippling and limitations and the camera was extensively hacked.

It forced a turn around from Canon with subsequent models. Let's hope this sends a warning shot over Nikon HQ Sadly that's how things work on the corporate world as a whole. Planned obsolecence, mindless crippling of features, firmware updates that don't add functions, just fix stuff. You see few brands actually supporting their products after they're realeased, so the community has to take matters on their own hands. At least we can do it now, though.

3dmus wrote: Great to see there's progress there. This particular one is not of great interest to me, but hopefully it will pave the way for other improvements (aperture change whilst in live view on the D7000!!) I don't think we'll ever see Aperture Change in LiveView, though.


Someone who had a good look at the hardware of the D7000 said it is physically unable to do it - the same motor that drives the aperture is used to flip the mirror. The new bodies corrected it by having separate motors. What might be possible is some way to quickly flip the mirror up and down to change the Aperture without getting out of LV. Not perfect, but it's something.

If they add Exposure Meter and (correct) Exposure preview in LV I'll be happy, already. AluKd wrote: Dunno if you guys know about it, but some time ago some guys managed to decrypt Nikon firmwares (D3100, D5100 and D7000, IIRC) and started working towards understanding the code, what does what, where things go, etc. So they can implement all those neat features we all want (like manual video controls, live exposure view, etc). They didn't go too far yet, there's a lot of work to be done, big stuff like adding features takes time and a deep understanding of the workings of the cameras. It will take time, like, a lot of time: two years maybe.