Gurps 4th Edition Pdf Torrent

Certain 'abilities' in GURPS such as being unliving etc. The current version is relatively small but I hope to add new stuff over time. For now, enjoy what is there. Entries Each intelligent monster is given a short fluff description but details can usually filled in from the appropriate D&D source books. Next, the racial template is given. THE BASICS GURPS uses six-sided dice only. To figure combat damage (and several other things), the “dice+adds” system is used. If a weapon does “4d+2” damage, this is shorthand for “roll 4 dice and add 2 to the total.”.

I'm willing to hunt for things in exchange. Last thread there was someone asking for anthropomorphic things and I'm here to deliver.

>Shard RPG I don't know much about this one, but it seems to be eastern fantasy and the art is really good. >Justifiers Here is, as near as I can tell, ALL of that. There's a newer less tiny-press-from-the-80s edition in German somewhere but I can't read it so I don't have it. You're animal people made by a space mega corp to explore dangerous new planets, because animal people legally aren't people so your shitty megacorp parents don't get as much flak if you die in the attempt. You can buy your freedom if you live long enough. (Also has Savage Worlds and D20 hacks some people did.) >After the Bomb Palladium's successor to their TMNT game. Wild post-apocalyptic mutant shenanigans can be had if you can stomach the megaversal system.

Core: Supplements (I think complete): >Call of Catthulhu One of no less than three games I know of where you play cats investigating the supernatural. (The Nekonomicon is the core, the other is a bestiary. I'm missing Worlds of Catthulhu.) >Cat by John Wick The second of said games >The Secrets of Cats Still want games about supernatural cats? Evil Hat's got you. >Warriors Adventure Game If you need MORE games about cats have a younger sister that wants to learn RPGs. I think I have more. Adventures in furriness, cont'd.

>Albedo SPACE FURRIES I honestly don't know a whole lot but I've heard the comic is great? 80s edition: Sanguine edition: >Dawg As an apology for all the games about cats, here is the only game I know about dogs. It started as a joke in Knights of the Dinner Table and is by Kenzer & Co. >Lapins & Lairs You'd play Bunnies & Burrows, but AD&D or GURPS is just not for you? Here's an Apocalypse World game about rabbits.

Ex sense pro v4 2 22 17 commentary. >World Tree: A Roleplaying Game of Species and Civilization I don't entirely know what this one is, honestly? You're furries (and other weird species) that all live in a gigantic tree that's big enough to support whole cities. Uses d20s and playing cards? Won some awards in 2001? >HC SVNT DRACONES Presented for completion's sake, a recent(ish) scifi from kickstarter. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

The most aggressively and openly 'furry' of my collection. There is no disguising the fandom's presence here, that's who it's made for. The cover is pretty much a goddamn chakat in power armor. I've heard the mechanics are messy/possibly an Eclipse Phase ripoff, but I don't know EP. /tg/ loves Ironclaw so I'm not taking the time to upload that, it's easy to find and well known.