Free Download Neurology Img Friendly Residency Programs List Programs

Target Your Residency Application. Match A Resident is the #1 choice for the International Medical Graduate (IMG) residency candidate. The unique platform helps you apply smart by generating the most reliable and up-to-date Customized Residency Programs List in any of the 18 most popular specialties for IMGs.

Hope everyone had a very happy Match Day! Congratulations to all who are about to join the ranks. Due to the popularity of my IMG friendly pediatric program list, I decided to add a similar list for child neurology programs. In general, child neurology is not an intensely competitive field. There are about 70 programs in the country (almost all university based) ranging from 1 to 5 spots available per year, however most programs will only have 1 or 2 openings. Child neuro tends to be field that is very international graduate friendly because it just hasn't garnered enough attention from US students, so if you are a foreign medical graduate (FMG) with strong step scores and good letters of recommendation, you can essentially get an interview at any program in the US.

If you are coming out of the Caribbean however, there is always that issue of stigma. Because so few people from the Caribbean match into child neurology, I could not put as extensive a list together as I hoped, but I can offer the list of places that gave me the opportunity to interview. Without further ado, these are the programs that gave little old St. Maarten me a shot: -Tufts Medical Center Program (Boston, MA) -University of Mississippi Medical Center Program (Jackson, MS) -St. Louis University School of Medicine Program (St Louis, MO) -Duke University Hospital Program (Durham, NC) -Wake Forest University School of Medicine Program (Winston-Salem, NC) -SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn Program (Brooklyn, NY) -University at Buffalo Program (Buffalo, NY) -Cleveland Clinic Foundation Program (Cleveland, OH) -St.


Christopher's Hospital for Children Program (Philadelphia, PA) -Medical University of South Carolina Program (Charleston, SC) -University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Houston, TX) -> MATCHED -University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School Program (Austin, TX) -University of Virginia Program (Charlottesville, VA) Obviously the above programs are some of the best pediatric programs in the country so your 2 years of general peds training is extremely strong. And what most people don't realize is. If for some reason you have a change of heart and want to stay general pediatrics, no one is going to force you to finish 5 years of child neuro. You can finish off as a categorical pediatric resident, and coming from the Caribbean and ending up at program like these- I'd say you did very well for yourself. I ended up ranking 18 programs and UT-Houston was actually third on my rank list.

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