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Please note that we - the Docear team - will not answer support questions. If you need help, please read the manual, read the FAQ, or discuss here in the forum with other Docear users. When reporting bugs, or asking questions, please be as specific as possible. Name your operating system (e.g. Windows 7, 64 Bit), your JAVA version (e.g. Java 6, 32 Bit), whether you are using the latest Docear version, and provide step-by-step instructions that allow to reproduce the bug or problem you are reporting.

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Newbie Posts: 15 Problems Syncing multiple versions of Docear to the same Google Drive for desktop files on: August 23, 2017, 16:54 I currently have a problem and I need help: I have docear downloaded on multiple computers pointing to the same _data and literature repository files stored on Google Drive. The C/users/'name'/docear files are the same on both computers.

The _data files on Google drive are synced via Google Drive for desktop, and I'm careful to ensure everything is synced before I open Docear. Still, Docear will randomly and unpredictably rewrite my literature & annotations mindmap as a blank mindmap, or at other times, when I refresh this literature & annotations mindmap, it re-imports all of my pdf's that already exist in that same mindmap and leaves the originals in their existing location still linked to the pdf. I've been saving all of the docear documents in a separate folder so that I can restore Docear and the mindmaps, but I do lose work in this process. I find that I am spending so much time babysitting Docear that I don't think I can do it for much longer.

Because all of the source files that I have access to look the same, I can only fault either files as the culprit to these issues, or Docear is not liking being installed on two separate computers. I would greatly appreciate help. If Docear charged $200/year for their product and then provide support, bug fixes and updates, I am very willing to pay. Newbie Posts: 15 Re: Lack of Docear Support, Problems Syncing multiple versions of Docear to the same cloud-stored files on: August 23, 2017, 17:58 Further, with regard to the literature and annotations mind map not saving, file will show that it has been saved within the last minute, but if I open file, or open a separate version of Docear, the mind map is not up to date; it is not what is most up to date in the already opened iteration of Docear. So, I am unable to depend on Docear to save files, even if the time stamp on file is after the most recent edits in the mind map. Newbie Posts: 15 Re: Lack of Docear Support, Problems Syncing multiple versions of Docear to the same cloud-stored files on: August 23, 2017, 18:38 My current work around is to ensure that the most file is saved before closing Docear. This requires opening file directly with the current Docear program open.

If file I open does not show the most recent edits. I have to keep hitting save on the open Docear program until it saves and keep opening file hoping it has the most recent edits.

Rhino mac os x 11. This can take up to 15 minutes, from my experience. Then, save file with the most recent edits in a non-Docear backup folder so that if Docear opens and that most file is not being loaded or not showing the most recent edits, I can replace it. This is too much work, though. Can someone step in to explain what is going wrong? Administrator Posts: 655 Re: Problems Syncing multiple versions of Docear to the same Google Drive for desktop files on: August 24, 2017, 06:31 Hello Nick, I am sorry for the problems you are experiencing. Unfortunately, I have never experienced such problems myself, and have no idea why the problems you describe occur. As written here we dont have the resources to look into individual user bugs, and as written in other posts, we have no funding and it is unclear if and how Docear will continue to be developed.