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Lfpswnuh 19.01.18 16:52 Caution! Ycmuanmc 19.01.18 11:53 School of SEO jonn22! Eezmyanh 19.01.18 09:52!!!!!!
Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) stA Spanning Tree Algorithm stB strobe stC Set Carry Flag stD I Sacrae Theologiae Doctor (doctor of sacred theology) noun doktor Svyashennogo Bogosloviya II Sexually Transmitted Disease noun zabolevanie, peredavaemoe polovym putem stD; *1. Set Direction Flag; *2.
Standard stDA streetTalk Directory Assi stance [Banyan] stDAUX standard Auxillary stDERR standard Error stDIN standard Input stDIO.H standard Input/Output Header [C] stDMA Space-Time Division Multiple Access, mnozhestvennyi dostup s prostranstvenno-vremennym razdeleniem kanalov stDOUT standard Output stDPRN standard Printer stF structured File (file name extension) [Lotus Agenda] stI Set Interrupt Flag stN Supertwi st Nematic stOL port Short TakeOff and Landing airport noun aeroport dlya samoletov s ukorochennym probegom stOS store string stP Signal Transfer Point stP; *1. Shielded Twi sted Pair, ekranirovannaya vitaya para-; *2.
Signal Transfer Point, punkt peredachi signala (v seti) stR; *1. Store Task Regi ster; *2. Synchronous Transmitter Receiver stRUDL structural Design Language (Programming Language) stScI Space Telescope Science In stitute stX 1> ( start of text) simvol 'nachalo teksta'. Upravlyayushii simvol, ukazyvayushii na nachalo peredavayaemoi informacii v startstopnom rezhime. V kode ASCII predstavlen chislom 2 st-John's-wort noun bot.
John's evil epilepsiya st. Street noun ulica st. Vitus's dance plyaska sv. Vitta (bolezn') sta station noun stanciya stabat Mater 1> Stabat Mater (srednevekovaya katolicheskaya horovaya kompoziciya) stafford(shire) noun Stafford(shir) staffs. Staffordshire noun Staffordshir (grafstvo v Anglii) stagirite 1> _ist.
Stagirit, urozhenec Stagiry (v Drevnei Makedonii) 2> (the stagirite) Stagirit, Aristotel' stamp Act 1> _am. Zakon o gerbovom sbore stanislas noun Stanislav stanislaus noun Stanislav stanley noun Stenli, Stanli stannaries 1> Olovyannye rudniki (olovodobyvayushii i olovoplavil'nyi raion v Kornuolle i Devonshire) star Chamber 1> _ist. Zvezdnaya palata (vysshii korolevskii sud v Anglii, uprazdnennyi v 1641 g.) 2> tainyi, nepravednyi sud, sudilishe; zastenok star of Bethlehem 1> _rel. Vifleemskaya zvezda 2> pticemlechnik zontichnyi (Ornithogalum ambellatum) stars and Bars 1> _am. 'zvezdy i perekladiny', flag Konfederacii yuzhnyh shtatov stars and stripes 1> 'zvezdy i polosy', gosuzharstvennyi flag SShA state Attorney 1> _am.
Prokuror shtata state Bank of Con struction 1> Vsesoyuznyi bank finansirovaniya kapital'nyh vlozhenii (Stroibank SSSR) state Bank of the USSR 1> Gosudarstvennyi bank SSSR (Gosbank SSSR) state Committee of the USSR Council of Mini sters for Labour and Wages 1> Gosudarstvennyi komitet SSSR po voprosam truda i zarabotnoi platy state Department 1> _razg. Gosudarstvennyi departament (ministerstvo inostrannyh del SShA) state of the state message 1> _am. Ezhegodnyi doklad gubernatora shtata zakonodatel'nomu sobraniyu state of the Union message 1> _am.
Doklad prezidenta kongressu o polozhenii strany state of the World message 1> _am. Doklad prezidenta kongressu o mezhdunarodnom polozhenii state's Attorney 1> _am. Prokuror shtata state-house noun amer. Zdanie zakonodatel'nogo organa shtata statehouse 1> _am.
One love by blue. 'One Love' is a song recorded by English boy band Blue. Co-written by the band, it was released in the United Kingdom on 21 October 2002 as the lead single of their second studio album, One Love (2002). One Love by Blue. Category Music; Song One Love; Artist Blue; Album All You Need Is Love 2011. Top 100 songs of the 1990s - Duration: 14:50. Younger days 3,018,777 views. Blue are an English boy band consisting of members Antony Costa, Duncan James, Lee Ryan and Simon Webbe.The band originally formed in 2000 and has released three studio albums, All Rise (2001), One Love (2002) and Guilty (2003) that all peaked at number one in the United Kingdom alongside releasing 16 singles, over a four-year period. Best Blue Songs The Top Ten. I love One Love, its sad to think how most people Now One Love but not Blue. My choice for the best song of a band always. Listen to music from Blue like All Rise, One Love & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Blue. Scotland, in 1973, and a British boy-band that.
Zdanie zakonodatel'nogo organa shtata 2> _ist. Ratusha states General 1> _ist. General'nye shtaty states' righter 1> _am. Storonnik ohrany i rasshireniya prav shtatov; protivnik vmeshatel'stva federal'nogo pravitel'stva v dela otdel'nyh shtatov states' rights 1> _am. Prava otdel'nyh shtatov (ustanovlennye konstituciei SShA) stateside, stateside 1> _am.
Otnosyashiisya k SShA, amerikanskii _Ex: stateside, stateside cu stom amerikanskii obychai _Ex: transferred from Europe to stateside, stateside duty perevedennyi iz Evropy na sluzhbu v SShA 2> _am. V SShA _Ex: to go stateside, stateside vernut'sya na rodinu, domoi (ob amerikance) statesider, statesider 1> _am. Korennoi amerikanec; grazhdanin SShA stationery Office 1> gosudarstvennaya kancelyariya (v Velikobritanii; izdaet pravitel'stvennye dokumenty) stati stical department 1> Statisticheskoe upravlenie statute of We stmin ster 1> Vestminsterskii statut (1931 g.; akt parlamenta o pravovom polozhenii britanskih dominionov) steinberger 1> _nem. Shteinberger (beloe vino) stella noun Stella sten gun 1> pulemet sistemy Stena sten, sten 1> pulemet sistemy Stena stentor 1> Stentor (gromoglasnyi glashatai v 'Iliade') 2> (obykn. S.) gromoglasnyi chelovek (ob oratore, d'yakone i t. P.) 3> (s.) _zool.