Bank Soalan Sains Tahun 4 Sjkt Tamil

Soalan Ujian Sains Tahun 4 KSSR • 1. SECTION A BAHAGIAN A Answer all the questions. Jawab semua soalan Every question is followed by four answers A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Leopard and porcupine hunt, C4 Images and Safaris, Mashatu photo worksho. Pepper seed riddim zippyshare.

Diagram 3 uurb 3 Which of the followin g is the correct sequence f the sta ges? R-5leirorqgarorarDErR+T+S B T+U-+R+S C U+T-+R+S D R+S-+T-+U 6. Anita is preparing dough o make bread. She inds that the dough ise. Why the dough rise? Aryoflpn, Gynr_rq prunfl6o ronq r-floreppnf. Rflorc$p ronq o-ril16!r6np gllori eerrug!$pnfr.


Qd n rflore$p on q c-rJqClpgr? A The yeast n the dough s moving rJlene$p ronoflgleirer 6pn$lorb poriClpg B The yeast n the dough s reproducing r5lare$p onoflgreirei Gpn$rorb Oot'fl1gpdl GsruClpg C The yeast n the dough is growing a rflore$p onoflgleiren Gpnptlrotb rcrfClpE D Th e yeast n the dough s breathing ' rflo,i6p onoflgdroi 6pn$lorb aarnClsdlpgr.