Astrology Chart Software Telugu

Nirayanamu longitude of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from the Sayanamu values. All the charts, calculations and analysis provided in the Telugu horoscope software are based on Vedic Astrology. The Nirayanamu longitude of planets, the rasi, the longitude in the rasi, the nakshatra as well as nakshatra padamu is calculated. The Nakshatra, nakshatra adipathi, sub lord as well as sub-sub lord is calculated for each planet.

A brief summary of the Nirayanamu longitude of the planets is also provided along with the rasi chakramu and navamsha chakramu in the Telugu astrology software. The dasa as well as dasa balance at birth is also provided along with the rasi chakram and navamsham. Corresponding to each planet, a sub-planet (Upagraha) is calculated in the Telugu horoscope software. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun and these values are calculated. The dhumadi group of Sub Planets is provided in a table with details of the method of calculation for each of these sub planets. The Upagraha longitudes are also calculated and presented in table format for easy reference. The Nakshatra adipathi / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts of Upagrahas are also available.

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The Upagraha rasi chakram is calculated and the Upagaraha rasi chakram is provided. An analysis of the planetary disposition including Lords of Houses, the Bhava lord of each house, Planetary conjunction (yogalu), Planet to planet aspects, Planet to house aspects, Benefic Planets and Malefic planets and their effects, Friendship Chart, Aspect Strength Chart (Drikbala) in Shashtiamsas, Shadbala Table, Bhava Aspect Strength Chart (Bhava Drikbala) in Shashtiamsas, Bhava bala Table, Kuja Dosha Check, Moudhyam (combustion), Grahayuddhalu (Planetary war) and Grahavastha is presented in AstroPack Telugu Astrology Software.

Brahmanandam Kanneganti (born 1 February 1956), is an Indian film actor and comedian. Hailing from Sattenapalli in Andhra Pradesh, he mostly acts in Telugu films. Prior to films, he was a Telugu lecturer in Attili, a town in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. He currently holds the Guinness World Record for the most screen credits for a living actor.

He was honoured with the Padma Shri, for his contribution to Indian cinema in 2009. Brahmanandam is considered one of the most versatile Indian comic actors, noted particularly for his comic expressions. Brahmanandam was part of the television quiz show Brahmi 1 million Show on iNews.

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